Books I Haven’t Read (Yet)…

Alright y’all. Today we are pulling the skeletons out of the closet, and I’m going to discuss books that I should have read by now but haven’t. I’ll be honest, my reading habits completely changed after joining the world of book blogging and bookstagram. When I wanted to read a new book in my previous life (as if I’ve been reincarnated lol), I would just meander around the library or bookstore until I found whatever looked interesting. Nowadays, bookstagrammers and bloggers are constantly telling me ALL THE THINGS I need to read, ya girl is struggling to keep up. I have over 800 books (don’t act like this is a lot…I see you judging me) on my want to read list on Goodreads, and I have books on my shelves that I’ve owned for over a decade (hello Anna Karenina!).

I feel like this gif perfectly sums up everyone throwing their recommendations at my face. It’s all out of love though, so keep throwing those recommendations my way. However, don’t be surprised if I don’t get to your prized possession this year…some of us need to sleep at some point (I know crazy, right?!).

I’ve only made a list of five books because I don’t need y’all raking me over the coals for my entire TBR. I’ve picked ones from different genres since I want to appeal to all audiences. Remember, be nice…my black soul does have some feels.

Classics: Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury

Honestly, I don’t even have words as to why I haven’t read this one. This is one of those classics that teaches you the consequences of people who fear knowledge and the literal burning of books. Even my husband and sister have both read this book and loved it…and I say that because both of them don’t read that often, but when they do they are incredibly picky.

Non–Fiction: Becoming by Michelle Obama

Y’all, I’m so disappointed in myself for not reading this one yet. I literally bought this one the day it came out. I had to have it because I absolutely love the Obamas (no politics here, I think their family is fantastic). Alas, this beauty has been judging me from shelf for MONTHS, and at this point, I’m not quite sure I’ll get to it this year. I know. ALL THE SHAME.

Psychological Thriller: Verity by Colleen Hoover

I feel like the Co-Ho clan is coming after me with pitchforks on this one! I read some of her books almost a decade ago (Slammed and Point of Interest), and I absolutely loved her writing and her ability to captivate her audience. I don’t even know how this one didn’t pop up on my radar at first (I’m blaming my discovery of wine), but bookstagram is constantly yelling at me to read this book. I get it. I plan to. I promise (not sure if that means much anymore).

Young Adult: Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo

This is another one of those revelations where I feel like jaws are hitting the floors. I get it hardcore Bardugo fans. I am failing on all levels. I have never read a single book by Leigh Bardugo, and that’s just blasphemous. I honestly don’t even have any excuses for y’all. I do really want to read Ninth House, but is that cheating for all of you Inej and Kaz diehards out there.

Fantasy: Nevernight by Jay Kristoff

This is one of those admissions that I’m scared of because Mia’s followers might just decide to #stabstabstab. I know! I NEED to read this series. To be fair, Darkdawn literally comes out in a few days, so I might as well start once I have the entire series rather than put myself through the heartache of cliffhangers like the rest of the devoted fans…am I right?! No. Well, that’s what I’m going to do anyways.

So now tell me, what books are still on your TBR that you definitely should have read by now? Do we have any in common?


  1. Hahah I read 4 out of 5 of those ! Becoming is great, but honestly, I dragged a lot through it. Also I don’t really think SOC deserves the hype it has around it. I have no idea why people love it so much :/ Nevernight is insanely good though !

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I enjoyed six of crows. But thats the only one I’ve read out of the ones you posted. I have so many books I haven’t read yet. Basically anything that came out in the last 2 years, Twilight, the rest of the Harry Potter series. Lol


  3. Once upon a time I had Verity on my TBR list and said I would get to it for around 4 consecutive months… I never even bought the book 😂 The only book I’ve read on this list is Becoming, and I reviewed it on my blog! Great post, I admire your bravery to admit you haven’t read these haha!

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    • Thank you. I remember NEEDING Becoming and getting it the day it came out, and it has just stared at me since. I do think I am going to do the audiobook because I heard it’s incredible since Michelle narrates it.


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